On board

Here you find the seating map of Öresundståg.

All 111 trains have Wi-Fi installed. Besides Wi-FI we also have enhanced cell phone coverage on all our trains, so that you better can surf on your own phone.

How to use the Wi-Fi

The Wi-Fi on board the Öresund trains works in the same way as when you use free Wi-Fi in cafés, hotels or shopping centers.

Here is an instruction on how to connect.

  1. Go to settings on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
  2. Select Wi-Fi, then all selectable options will appear.
  3. Select .Oresundstag_Wi-Fi
  4. Once you have made your Wi-Fi selection, you will come to a landing page. Read the information and terms of use. When you click Connect, it means that you accept the terms of use.
  5. Now you come to Öresundståg's website. From here you can go to other pages, read emails or why not listen to a podcast.
  6. The W-iFi works in both Sweden and Denmark.

To bear in mind

If you want to download heavy files such as movies, it is better to do so when the conditions for fast and smooth connection exist. For example, at home or in other places where there is fiber.

Sometimes the Wi-Fi can be perceived as a bit slow which is perfectly normal. On a train that moves between large geographical areas, the reception varies depending on how the masts of the mobile network are located and directed in the landscape. It affects how you experience your Wi-Fi connection. Tunnels can also affect your reception. While the connection in cities and in densely populated areas is usually very good.


We hope that you get both joy and benefit from Öresundståg's Wi-Fi on board. A service that has been long awaited by many travelers.

If you need help connecting to the Wi-FI, feel free to ask the train host on board.

All Öresundståg have a First Class compartment. This section is separate, and thus in general more quiet.

The seats have a different cover than in the rest of the train, and there is room to place your luggage and hang your coat. To travel in First Class, you pay an additional 50 SEK for Skåne county and 50 SEK for Denmark and 30 SEK per other county that you travel in. If you wish to upgrade from Second to First Class on board, you can pay an additional fee from the on-board staff. You pay via the payment card you receive in connection with ticket control. We do not take cash.

You will find the First Class section in car 11 (and, where applicable, in cars 21 and 31). There are a total of 20 seats, whereof 10 can be reserved in car 11. It is indicated on the hat shelf by the seat numbering which can be booked, so avoid them in car 11 if you don't have a seat ticket. Please note that it is not possible to book a seat until earliest spring 2025.

From the outside you can identify the First Class section marked: 1'.

All our trains offer a Quiet Zone.

You will find the Quiet Zone in car 14 (and, when applicable, in cars 24 and 34). There, we kindly ask you to respect the following rules:

  • Conversations are to bed avoided
  • Cell phones are to be turned off or in silent mode
  • Music player, computers and other digital media players are to only be used with earphones, without sound leaking into the surroundings
  • If traveling with a child it is your responsibility that the child shows the same respect

It is possible, but not mandatory, to reserve a seat in the Quiet Zone. There are 24 seats available, whereof 10 can be reserved. When booking online, select "Tyst avdelning". Please note that it is not possible to book a seat during until earliest spring 2025.

You may bring a dog, cat or other pet free of charge within Sweden and maximum 2 pets per customer.

When travelling to or from Denmark, you pay a Child ticket for larger pets, while smaller ones in a cage travel free of charge.

The Animals Allowed section is placed in car 13 (and, when applicable, in cars 23 and 33). Service dogs are allowed free of charge in the entire train in both Sweden and Denmark.

It is possible, but not mandatory, to reserve seats in the Animals Allowed section. There is a total of 20 seats, whereof four can be reserved. When purchasing a ticket, select "Djur tillåtet" (Animals Allowed). Please note that it is not possible to book a seat during until earliest spring 2025.

More information in the links below

You may bring luggage on board, as long as it is not overly bulky.

The term luggage refers to bags and objects that you can easily carry yourself. There is no extra charge.

The overhead rack may only be used to place lighter luggage, which may not protrude the edge. Luggage is best placed in the low-floor section of the train, or under and inbetween the seats. Aisles and doors must be kept clear. Luggage may not be placed on the seats.

Baby stroller/pram

Subject to space, you can bring a baby stroller at no extra cost. It is marked both on the outside and inside of the train where you should place your stroller. It must be locked with a brake and positioned so that travelers are not hindered or the escape route is blocked.
If you use the baby stroller for a purpose other than transporting children - for example to transport goods - you pay a fee for the stroller corresponding to a bicycle supplement or one-way child/youth ticket.

Subject to availability, you may bring one conventional, two-wheeled bicycle on board. There is room for a maximum of six bicycles per train in the low-floor section marked with a bicycle. Fasten your bike with the straps provided in the train carriage.

Bicycles share the space on board with, for example, wheelchairs, other aids and prams.

Should the train be full you will have to take the next train. Based on safety it is always the train crew who decides when the train is full. 

You cannot take a bicycle with you on replacement buses.

Buying tickets

When travelling with Öresundståg entirely within Sweden or entirely within Denmark, bringing a bicycle is free.

When travelling with Öresundståg across the Öresund bridge, you need a ticket for the bike on the route Malmö-Copenhagen (or Copenhagen-Malmö).

An add-on for a bicycle cannot be purchased from oresundstag.se. We recommend purchasing a ticket with a bike add-on from Skånetrafiken (the regional transport transport authority)for example in their app or from their ticket machines at the train station.

It’s not possible to reserve space for a bicycle.

Bicycle types

If you travel with a conventional, two-wheeled bicycle, you buy one bicycle ticket, for example, from the ticket machine at the station. For electric scooters/scooters, the same rules apply as for regular bicycles.

If you bring a tandem bicycle, you buy two bicycle tickets. Folding bicycle, folding electric scooter/scooter and microbike count as hand luggage and may be taken free of charge.

We have put together a bicycle guide with pictures of the most common bicycles with answers to whether you can bring them or not. You can find the bicycle guide here.

Maximum one bicycle per person.

Please note that it is not allowed to charge your electric scooter or electric bicycle battery on board due to the risk of fire.

For more information, contact your regional public transport authority.